Six Reasons Why Buffy is the Greatest Show of All Time

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Information technology's my Blogiversary! For this very special milestone, I'm giving myself (and all of you!) a blogging treat. I'g going to write about whatever I desire, regardless of whether it's in my niche or not (Hint: information technology'due south not). So today, I'm writing this bonus post on Why Buffy is the Greatest Show of all Time.

Why Buffy is the Greatest Prove of All time

In that location are so many reasons why Buffy is the greatest prove of all time, I mean take you lot seen it? If you haven't yet, get Hulu and watch information technology, then come back and read this. There volition definitely be spoilers in this post! I also must warn you – the first season isn't the greatest. It'southward full of ninety's campiness and terrible PSA'south. The second flavour is about 50/50. It offers some of the best episodes in television history, but they are followed upwardly past terrible campy episodes. Information technology'southward worth it though! The campiness pretty much goes away in season three, and by that time the genius of the prove actually shines. So, with that disclaimer out of the fashion, let'due south delve into why Buffy is the greatest show of all time.

The Characters

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a graphic symbol driven show. There is a plot, and it'due south entertaining, but the plot is a device used to explore the different personalities of the characters and to help them develop. I have never seen a evidence do such a groovy task of fully developing characters. The four main characters, Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Giles, all have very human strengths and weaknesses, which are all expanded upon throughout the course of the show.

All iv have very human flaws. Buffy is terrible at relationships and communicating with her significant other. She also struggles with finding a residual between her calling (being a slayer) and her normal life. Willow is agape that she will never be more than that "nerdy little girl", and struggles with controlling her animalism for power. Xander comes from a cleaved family, doesn't know how to treat women, and struggles with the transition to machismo. Giles has a shady past and struggles with feeling needed. These weaknesses lead all of the characters to bad decisions, and bad decisions in the Buffy verse tend to get people hurt.

Related: What Buffy Taught Me Nearly Life and Finance

However, even with the bad decisions and grapheme flaws, they are all good people at centre. You want to root for them, because although they struggle, they all really desire to exercise good in the world. Their flaws make them human, and that makes them relatable. The characters on Buffy feel more real than the characters in any testify I've ever watched. They are a huge role of what makes Buffy so not bad.

The supporting characters, Cordelia, Angel, Oz, Fasten, Anya, Tara, Dawn and Joyce are all completely adult as well. Each character on the bear witness is three dimensional, with their own goals, hopes, dreams, strengths, and weaknesses. None of them exists solely as a plot device to the others.

The Emotions

Buffy is amazing at playing off of your emotions. This bear witness can make you express mirth and then make you weep like no other. It has amazing 1 liners (Buffy'southward featherbrained puns when she's slaying, Xander'due south ridiculous quips, and Willow just being Willow) and also some hilarious comedic situations. Does anyone remember the Buffy Bot? She's hysterical! Simply the show isn't a comedy, and it can hit you so hard in the feels that you lot don't even know what happened. The episode "Passions" in flavour two had the kickoff shocking death of a chief grapheme. Simply it wasn't her death so much as the meticulous fashion the killer ready her trunk upwardly that was incredibly heart-wrenching. This evidence knows how to shock and disturb its viewers. I never expected to experience this much emotion while watching a silly teenager show about vampires.

sad buffy

The Stand-Alone Episodes


Buffy has some of the all-time stand-lone episodes in television receiver history. Seriously, Joss Whedon is a genius. His offset true masterpiece was season four's "Hush", an episode with strikingly piffling dialect. Everyone thought that Buffy's success was but due to the snappy dialect.

Whedon accustomed the challenge and wrote an episode where monsters steal anybody's voice. The Gentlemen, equally they were called, were some of the creepiest monsters ever to be featured on Buffy. The action sequences and the attempts to communicate without the spoken give-and-take were groundbreaking – this had never been done in television. "Hush" is admittedly i of my favorites.

"The Torso"

"The Body" is some other stand-alone episode that is a cinematic masterpiece. In this center-wrenching episode, Buffy's mother dies of natural causes. This episode captured the feeling of hopelessness we have when a loved ane dies like nothing I've always watched.

Every character deals with grief in their own mode. Buffy imagines that she was able to relieve her mother. Willow, Xander, Tara, and Anya are angry and unable to comprehend the loss. Giles tries to be potent for Buffy simply is overcome with his ain grief. And then, Buffy has to endeavor to pull herself together for her footling sister. The lack of music throughout the episode adds to the realism, and you really feel like yous are there mourning with Buffy and her friends. This episode is so powerful that I tin hardly even watch information technology when I'm on a Buffy re-sentry.

"Once again With Feeling"

I would exist remiss if I didn't mention "Again with Feeling" as the best stand up-alone episode of the series. It does tie into the plot, and then it might not actually be a stand up-alone, but this is probably ane of the best episodes of any evidence in boob tube history. "Again with Feeling" is a musical episode – in fact, Buffy was one of the first show'southward ever to pull it off. The songs are fun and tricky, but are also powerful and requite a peek into the psyche of the characters. Information technology's a masterpiece. I can't really say more well-nigh information technology, you just have to spotter it.

Information technology'south Groundbreaking

Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a ground-breaking show. It was one of the first shows ever to feature a strong female pb character, and a mostly female supporting cast. Simply role of the genius of Buffy is that it didn't beak itself as such. Buffy was just a girl who happened to be called, and her calling turned her into a strong leader. It was an incredibly feminist prove that didn't pat itself on the back for being feminist. Buffy is a leader that anyone could look upwardly to.

Buffy also featured the first normalized lesbian relationship on network television. Willow and Tara'south romance was one of the healthiest relationships on the entire show (until Willow got all crazy with the magics). They shared one of the outset real lesbian kisses e'er featured on a network show, and information technology wasn't done to sexualize the couple. It was a sweet osculation shared in a moment of grief. It's astonishing that a television prove could do so much to aid normalize homosexual relationships.

Willow and tara kiss

The Over Arching Themes

The High Schoolhouse Years

Buffy is a show about life. Information technology uses monsters as metaphors for things that we all bargain with regularly. The overarching theme of the showtime 3 seasons is that high school is hell. This is portrayed with an entrance to hell directly beneath the high school. Buffy portrays common high school issues with monster metaphors (often in a super campy mode!). There is an episode virtually a teacher who preys on high school boys, a girl who feels invisible, jocks who go away with anything, online predators, and trying to fit in with the absurd kids. All of these things are mutual problems that many loftier schoolers deal with on a daily basis.


Seasons four and five deal with the transition from high schoolhouse to machismo. The girls become to college, while Xander tries to find his way through a series of terrible jobs. Giles tries to detect his place in their lives as they abound upward. The gang'south friendship is tested in season 4, as they all grow and struggle to detect their places in the world. In flavor 5, they all outset to gain a bit of footing. Buffy gains a sister, and subsequently the death of her mother is thrust into the responsibility of caring for a small. Talk about having to grow up.


Seasons half-dozen and seven are virtually coming to terms with machismo. Season 6 is the darkest flavour of the show, and information technology's my absolute favorite. The "big bad" of the season isn't really a monster – it'due south life. Buffy is struggling with astringent depression and trying to keep things together for her sister. She fails more often than not. Willow becomes addicted to the power of witchcraft, because she feels that information technology's the only thing she has to offer "if you lot could be manifestly sometime Willow or super Willow, which would you lot chose?"

Xander and Anya's relationship is on the rocks, because Xander is trying to determine if he really is set up for marriage. He ends upwardly breaking her centre and leaving her at the change – because he wasn't ready just didn't know how to tell her. All of the characters are a consummate mess in flavour six, but that'south what makes information technology so good. Its gritty and it's real. The commencement few years of adulthood are hard, and Buffy doesn't hold back in portraying that.

Flavor seven is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. Buffy overcomes her low, Xander becomes a foreman at his visitor and learns to respect his friend'southward decisions, and Willow learns to find balance in witchcraft. Many people detest this season considering of the focus on the potential slayers, but I think information technology's a beautiful cease to an amazing serial. The hell oral fissure gets destroyed for skilful, and Buffy finally has the adventure to lead a normal life if she chooses. This season is about existence an developed and making adult decisions, and I think it'due south amazing.

The Dearest Interests

So we talked about some of the overarching themes and cinematography crap that makes shows not bad; but what really makes shows amazing is some awesome drama concerning beloved interests. That'south what kept us coming back to Friends, and (gag) Twilight, right? Well Buffy has the near compelling love stories of all time! She fell in beloved with vampires before it was cool! And I'll try to be unbiased, but I'm clearly a Spuffy shipper.

Buffy and Spike

Buffy and Affections

The first compelling love story of the series is between Buffy and Affections – the Vampire cursed with a Soul. Affections is the mysterious older man who often comes to Buffy with dire warnings. He's the paradigm of tall, nighttime and handsome. It'due south easy to meet why she's then smitten. Their relationship is full of drama – he's drawn to her but doesn't want to appointment her because of what he is. He lies to her about seeing Drusilla, and basically forces her to acknowledge she loves him (although she specifically states she doesn't trust him). When he somewhen tells her the truth about how horrible he was without a soul, she forgives him and they move forward with their teenage romance.

But loving Angel comes with a deep toll. His curse was meant to brand him suffer. If he had merely i moment of happiness, the curse would be lifted and he would lose his soul. Making beloved to Buffy was the 1 moment of happiness that caused him to lose it, and now Buffy is left to bargain with one of the near unsafe vampires in history. Her world is turned upside down when she has to kill him in order to save the world. Talk about amazing story telling.

Buffy and Spike

The other amazing beloved story of the series is between Buffy and some other notorious vampire, Spike. Fasten is portrayed as a hopeless romantic vampire from his first introduction in season two, where he is shown to be securely in love with the vampiress Drusilla. He's also a Slayer of Slayers, and hopes to make Buffy his third. Unfortunately for Fasten, he falls in love with her instead.

The dynamic betwixt the two characters as the testify progresses is amazing. They go from sworn enemies to reluctant allies – to friends and then to lovers, with a lot of drama and heartache in between. They are horrible and abusive to each other in season six, but are able to forgive and trust each other past the stop of season vii. Their journey is and then existent – it's not a teenage fantasy of what love should exist. Their relationship shows 2 adults who both made terrible decisions. And they both tried to brand amends and move past those decisions. The realism of it makes it my favorite human relationship in the entire show.

And so Yeah, Buffy is the Best Show E'er

Clearly Buffy the Vampire show is my favorite bear witness e'er. But I'd love to hear your comments! Do you think Buffy is the greatest testify of all time? Why or why non? And if you haven't seen information technology nevertheless, I hope I didn't spoil too much for you lot – go sentinel it! And if you lot dear information technology equally much every bit I do, buy the complete set on DVD at Amazon!

tabula rosa


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